Looking to Relocate?@headerSize>

Our Economic Development professionals can help with business-attraction and site-location, as well as development and support of businesses and communities.
Electric Service Designers@headerSize>

OPPD electrical service designers assist commercial and residential customers with line-extension requests, load-addition requests, equipment relocations, or changes to other operational requirements.
Account Managers@headerSize>
OPPD account managers advise on and coordinate strategic and day-to-day energy-related issues for small to mid-sized commercial customers.
Senior Account Managers@headerSize>

OPPD senior account managers are the single point of contact for major commercial, industrial and institutional customers.
Products & Services@headerSize>
OPPD offers a variety of products and services to fit your business needs. LEARN MORE
Contractors Reference Library@headerSize>
Check out our contractors reference library before starting your next project.
Saving Energy Pays Dividends@headerSize>
Learn more about building conservation, benchmarking against other commercial properties, and the ENERGY STAR Challenge.
Rate Information@headerSize>

Click here to learn about OPPD's Rate options, structures and costs covered in your bill.