OPPD encourages energy conservation during deep freeze
January 14, 2024

We know the dangerously cold temperatures continue throughout our service territory and our region have an impact on you and your family, and on our electrical system. The weather came on faster and has been more prolonged than anticipated.
As of this time, our regional transmission organization, Southwest Power Pool, has not called upon member utilities in 14 states to curtail energy usage. Rather, Omaha Public Power District is proactively asking our customers to conserve energy today and for the next several days to help keep our systems and your homes and businesses safe and energized. Our teams continue to work around the clock for you.
Taking these three easy steps not only benefits our customers, but our neighbors, during the ongoing deep chill:
- Lower your thermostat by two to four degrees below your normal temperature.
- Avoid using appliances like your washer or dryer or dishwasher, especially during the peak usage times of 7 to 9 a.m. and 4 to 7 p.m.
- Prepare for potential of power outages related to weather or other causes over the next several days by ensuring you have a flashlight, warm clothes and blankets, and any medication you need, handy. Charge electronic devices such as laptops and cell phones.
Be sure to report unplanned outages via our OPPDConnect app, at OPPD.com, or by calling 1-800-554-OPPD (6773), so that we are aware and can respond as quickly as safely possible.
For more energy conservation information, including guidance on reducing energy for each room in your home, to an energy usage calculator, and other tips, visit OPPD.com/ee. There, you will also find a video library to walk you through ways to make your home more energy efficient, step by step.
We will continue to keep you updated on weather and outage information as conditions may warrant via StormAndOutage.com, OPPD’s Facebook and Twitter pages, as well as Nextdoor.